Where we discuss all things Health and Fitness, Nutrition, Training, and life!
The Blueprint Raw Podcast | Podcast on Spotify
The Blueprint Raw Podcast on Apple Podcasts
EPISODE 090 - My Motivation to Train - https://www.youtube.com/mymotivationtotrain
EPISODE 089 - Limiting Beliefs - https://www.youtube.com/limitingbeliefs
EPISODE 088 - Client Chat - Cathy - https://www.youtube.com/clientchatcathy
EPISODE 087 - Failed my NY resolution already - https://www.youtube.com/failedmynyresolutionalready
EPISODE 086 - Adjusting your training goals - https://www.youtube.com/adjustingyourtraininggoals
EPISODE 085 - Client Chat - Paul - https://www.youtube.com/clientchatpaul
EPISODE 084 - Who gives a f&@k! - https://www.youtube.com/whogivesaf&@k
EPISODE 083 - Training through injury - https://www.youtube.com/trainingthroughinjury
EPISODE 082 - Are you getting value? - https://www.youtube.com/areyougettingvalue
EPISODE 081 - Im too busy - https://www.youtube.com/imtoobusy
EPISODE 080 - If I had a dollar - https://www.youtube.com/ifihadadollar
EPISODE 079 - My chat with Will - https://www.youtube.com/mychatwithwill
EPISODE 078 - Its never to late - https://www.youtube.com/itsnevertolate
EPISODE 077 - Proactive vs Reactive - https://www.youtube.com/proactivevsreactive
EPISODE 076 - Client Chat - Kaitlin - https://www.youtube.com/clientchatkaitlin
EPISODE 075 - 1% Better Everyday - https://www.youtube.com/1%bettereveryday
EPISODE 074 - Why I train - https://www.youtube.com/whyitrain
EPISODE 073 - Client Chat - Larissa - https://www.youtube.com/clientchatlarissa
EPISODE 072 - Age is just a number - https://www.youtube.com/ageisjustanumber
EPISODE 071 - You don't have to like me (As Your Coach) - https://www.youtube.com/youdonthavetolikeme
EPISODE 070 - 2021 - https://www.youtube.com/2021
EPISODE 069 - Put ya trolley away - https://www.youtube.com/putyatrolleyaway
EPISODE 068 - Why Blueprint - https://www.youtube.com/whyblueprint
EPISODE 067 - Tough Love V2.0 - https://www.youtube.com/toughlovev2.0
EPISODE 066 - Client Chat - Amanda - https://www.youtube.com/clientchatamanda
EPISODE 065 - Standards + Self Respect - https://www.youtube.com/standardsandselfrespect
EPISODE 064 - Returning to training - https://www.youtube.com/returningtotraining
EPISODE 063 - Client Chat - Chris - https://www.youtube.com/clientchatchris
EPISODE 062 - Blueprint, COVID + Me - https://www.youtube.com/blueprintcovidandme
EPISODE 061 - Working from home FEAT Ned - https://www.youtube.com/workingfromhome
EPISODE 060 - When will I get there? - https://www.youtube.com/whenwilligetthere
EPISODE 059 - Supplements - https://www.youtube.com/supplements
EPISODE 058 - Lachie - The man that can - https://www.youtube.com/lachiethemanthatcan
EPISODE 057 - Shitty food - https://www.youtube.com/shittyfood
EPISODE 056 - Post challenge pit falls - https://www.youtube.com/postchallengepitfalls
EPISODE 055 - What makes a good coach - https://www.youtube.com/whatmakesagoodcoach
EPISODE 054 - Turning up - https://www.youtube.com/turningup
EPISODE 053 - No shortcuts - https://www.youtube.com/noshortcuts
EPISODE 052 - Who am I - Part 3 - https://www.youtube.com/whoamipart3
EPISODE 051 - Who am I - Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/whoamipart2
EPISODE 050 - Who am I - Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/whoamipart1
EPISODE 049 - Failure - https://www.youtube.com/failure
EPISODE 048 - Overtraining - https://www.youtube.com/overtraining
EPISODE 047 - Fear - https://www.youtube.com/fear
EPISODE 046 - I was wrong - https://www.youtube.com/iwaswrong
EPISODE 045 - Walking for weight loss - https://www.youtube.com/walkingforweightloss
EPISODE 044 - The 5 factors of health - https://www.youtube.com/thefivefactorsofhealth
EPISODE 043 - Motivation - https://www.youtube.com/motivation
EPISODE 042 - Why 12 weeks - https://www.youtube.com/why12weeks
EPISODE 041 - When you walk through our door - https://www.youtube.com/whenyouwalkthroughourdoor
EPISODE 040 - Programming - https://www.youtube.com/programming
EPISODE 039 - 12 Week Challenge Winner - Emma - https://www.youtube.com/12WCWinnerEmma
EPISODE 038 - Eating Out - https://www.youtube.com/eatingout
EPISODE 037 - Free trials - https://www.youtube.com/freetrials
EPISODE 36 - The bare minimum - https://www.youtube.com/thebareminimum
EPISODE 035 - Weight loss vs Fat loss - https://www.youtube.com/weightlossvsfatloss
EPISODE 034 - Your right to happiness - https://www.youtube.com/yourrighttohappiness
EPISODE 033 - I chat with Moses from Exodus Fitness - https://www.youtube.com/exodusfitness
EPISODE 032 - Tips for traveling - https://www.youtube.com/tipsfortraveling
EPISODE 031 - Self Doubt - The silent killer - https://www.youtube.com/selfdoubt
EPISODE 030 - Why weight doesn't matter - https://www.youtube.com/whyweightdoesntmatter
EPISODE 029 - Listen to your body - https://www.youtube.com/listentoyourbody
EPISODE 028 - Unfuck yourself - https://www.youtube.com/unfuckyourself
EPISODE 027 - The problem with class based workouts - https://www.youtube.com/theproblemwithclassbasedworkouts
EPISODE 026 - Celebrate your wins - https://www.youtube.com/celebrateyourwins
EPISODE 025 - You hate working out, we know - https://www.youtube.com/youhateworkingoutweknow
EPISODE 024 - Stop cheating yourself - https://www.youtube.com/stopcheatingyourself
EPISODE 023 - The hardest part of fitness - https://www.youtube.com/thehardestpartoffitness
EPISODE 022 - Time to let it go - https://www.youtube.com/timetoletitgo
EPISODE 021 - Trainers have it easier - https://www.youtube.com/trainershaveiteasier
EPISODE 020 - New Year, New You - https://www.youtube.com/newyearnewyou
EPISODE 019 - You reap what you sow - https://www.youtube.com/youreapwhatyousow
EPISODE 018 - Change - How much is to much - https://www.youtube.com/change
EPISODE 017 - Nutrition / Xmas Calories - https://www.youtube.com/nutritionxmascalories
EPISODE 016 - What we can learn from our kids - https://www.youtube.com/whatwecanlearnfromourkids
EPISODE 015 - Sorry I don't do those - https://www.youtube.com/sorryidontdothose
EPISODE 014 - Tough Love - https://www.youtube.com/toughlove
EPISODE 013 - So you think you don't need a coach - https://www.youtube.com/Soyouthinkyoudontneedacoach
EPISODE 012 - Are you doing enough? - https://www.youtube.com/areyoudoingenough
EPISODE 011 - It ain't weak to speak - https://www.youtube.com/itaintweaktospeak
EPISODE 010 - Are you being honest with yourself - https://www.youtube.com/areyoubeinghonestwithyourself
EPISODE 009 - Find your why - https://www.youtube.com/findyourwhy
EPISODE 008 - Be careful who you take advice from - https://www.youtube.com/becarefulwhoyoutakeadvicefrom
EPISODE 007 - Work ethic - https://www.youtube.com/workethic
EPISODE 006 - Accountability - https://www.youtube.com/accountability
EPISODE 005 - The quick fix - https://www.youtube.com/thequickfix
EPISODE 004 - Challenge yourself - https://www.youtube.com/challengeyourself
EPISODE 003 - The most dangerous job in the world - https://www.youtube.com/themostdangerousjobintheworld
EPISODE 002 - Time - https://www.youtube.com/time
EPISODE 001 - The power of choice - https://www.youtube.com/thepowerofchoice